Hater week . .
I guess i have to keep up my hater approach ths week . . Its been water n waitin! Thats been the to main hater obstacles 4 this week.
I already hated on da water (n its still hangin around) bt with risk of soundin like a spoilt swede! Damn i hate Botswana time . . . Tday is the third day people keep me waitin n nt like fashionable 10-15min, HOURS !!
Im waitin 4 a friend nw, he told me the earlier we leave 4 Mafikeng the better, in sum way i agreed on 9! N gaby pls dnt b late . . Naa its cool, ill b up . . N ive been up! N no sign of him . . Ah! Ystrdy my hairdresser kept me waitin 4 a good hour outside the place . .
What the fonk!
Hatin ova n out!
How much water?
Ok, i know i should appreciate the rain! Evrythn in Botswana (desert country) involves rain . . The currency Pula (regn) n the former president always finishd hs speeches by sayin . . Pula pula pula! (låt d regna) but EISH how grateful should i be, its been rainin non stop for 3 days . . N its not Sweden rain its heavy duty rain. Flods , no electricity . . Nuthn! I hv my phone n a book. . Bt i dnt hv any credit on ma phone. Can jst use the internet at times. Well if i cud i would call a cab to cum get me or atleast go buy breakfast. . . Bt nw im stuck u see! Haha well what can i do . .
The days . .
Anthem: Hey Baby - Stephen Marley feat Mos Def
Hustle: Gettin the flue n headache out of ma system
Food: Zim Mangos n Lovely Swedish alvedon
Question: More management?!
Dont want: Rain n chilly weather
Occupation: Couch chillin n movie watchn
Outfit: Flipflops n hoodie
Movie: Blindness ( gael garcia bernal :) )
Movie 2: Milk
Soapies: Rythm city, Scandal, Generations, u name it . .
Music: Esperanza Spalding
Mood: Lovey Dovey
Health: pain pain (no cholera btw)
Must have: Fanta Pine n power naps
Tuesday . . Eish
Back in 05 . .
Hey! Försöker updatera bloggen men går segt på mobilen . . Bots-Swe connection är lite segt! Well skrev ett långt inlägg om min helg i Zim! Kommer antagligen upp imorrn . .
Satt precis o gick igenom gamla inlägg på bloggen jag e inne på mitt fjärde blogg år. . . Har varit kass på att uppdatera me jämna mellanrum men damn va inlägg d har blivit . . Brukar checka andras bloggar på blogg.se o brukar funta på hur alla dessa småbrudar me modebloggar har tid o blogga 10 inlägg om dan . . Men mest på hur ointressanta innehåll o inlägg dessa brudar postar. Dagens outfit, viktdebatt, frågestunder. O dessa brudar har hundra tusentals läsare per dag. All respekt men så intressant e d ändå inte. En av brudarna fick till o me va me i lets dance. Well ungdomskulturen är kanske ett passerat kapitel haha. .
Det jag ville komma till är, 4 års bloggande har funkat som avlastning för hjärnan, jag skriver av mig o får sagt d jag ville säga . . Men shit va personligt d blev back in the days, kanske inte är så stor skillnad mellan mig då o dagens bloggbrudar . . Jag känner inte igen folk o händelser jag har skrivit om . .
Hände mycke under Uni tiden, jobb, vänner, skola, familj o fritid . . Va nog skönt me lite avlastning o offentlig dagboksskriveri haha . .
Tror jag antagligen har vuxit ur de eller så e jag inte lika stressad längre . . Hmm . . Kul o läsa gamla inlägg iallafall :)
nee sovdags snart, först lite tidsfördrivande sydafrikanska soapies . .
This weekend!
Blog check 1 2
Jst checkn if ths works . . Im tryin to blog frm my phone! Gt this mini opera free internet thingy . .
I feel all Obamad out rite now, in bed tryin to think n review this day n all i cn think off is OBAMA ! Tday is the day, the day the us inagurated there 44th president . . First president that accordin to me n all the haters around actually has a point . . Frm an early mornin Btv hs been showin live frm Washington n like the unemployd nerd i am i sat down n checkd it out . . Uptil nw! Its 00.38 . . Went to the studio a quicky bt othrwise ths hs been obamas day! As sceptical i am to Us politics i still give a big big up to the guy . . His rhetorical skills r crazy n he cud even gt thru to me . . The Hi Hater :) whilst obama n hes crew had their nyc lunch me n my housemate Candi had tasty left ovas . . Its gonna b my turn one good day!
Well, does ths cellphone blog story work out, ill promise to get betta at this updatin business . .
Gnite gnite. . Love n light . .
Well out with the new and in with the old ..
Take me down south.. Tryin to fly down to Bots this week, hopefully ill get a ticket
around friday, so ill be in Bots by Saturday :)
Well, i dont know.. I BETTA GET THAT JOB! or ill have to come back dis side..
n ijoo with this weather, 20 negative.. take me to Bechuanaland !
takkeee meee bacckkk!