List of the day. .

The list:

The daycare center 4 bored homies: My office

The Eishhh : Zimbo xenophobia

The meeting : Big Bwoi Lesang

The hustle: Getting a meeting with Dada

The yeessurr : Cumin to work on a Monday finding the boss out all day

The earcandy: John Legend live from Philly

The eyecandy: Me in my new sneaks haha

The sad byebye: Ayesha 2 Sweden

The happy hello: Franco in Joburg

The visits: Sara n Miriam in July

The wish visit: Me to Sweden

The event: Möllevångsfestivalen good people

The event 2 : My Blockparty

The move: Me from Pax?

The hustle 2: To get a flat or house

The food: Pick n Pays mangos

The friend: Khwezi

The movie: The Forbidden Kingdom ( Jet Li, Jackie Chan)

The movie 2: Sex n the City

The movie 3: Coming to America, eddie murphy - forgott how funny this 1 was

The cash flow: Slowly into my bankaccount

The drink: Double Amarulla with crushd Ice

The passion killing conference: Needs Pulas n Thebes . .

The request: Heroes n Dexter

The interview: Lapologa foreign exchange


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