weekend in bed . .
This last weeknd of May . .
Well, this weekend eish.. i wasted nada energy at all.. I had the worst halsfluss n flue of the century.. Fun huh? Just me n my John Legend n my new dvds quality time . . so there isn't really to much to tell, nice thou that I had the house to myself.. all the 104958458349058904 peeps stayin in my house, where out on shows n promotion n stuff.. happy times.. I have kinda nice friends huh, a boy of mine, drove alllll the way out to my place from Tlokweng ( typ Lund - Limhamn) to drop of some oranges from his garden to speed cure my flue, another brought me movies . . yessuurrrr appreciation
Well what else, I got some worried emails from u at home about the xenophobic attacks in Johannesburg, im in Botswana, like 3 hours from Jossy n u have to cross a border n evrythn.. no worries ..
Eish the situation is hectic in Johannesburg, 45.000 internally displaced refugees , almost a 100 killed, thousands injured.. I don't know how much they r coverin this in Sweden, but it's a very sad situation for the Zimbabwean and Mozambiquan regugees in South Africa, they r being shipped home and staying in tents, police stations and even the mayor Park Station hall in Joburg, imagine, u been stayin in Joburg for 18 years, built yourself a decent life, got a job, kids in school, nice house, even citizentship, but jst cuz u come from Zim, they trash evrythn u have, steal everythn u have, burn down yr house, throw u n yr kids out in the middle of the night.. N yr supposed to go back to Zim, a country u havnt seen in 18 years ( true case) , same thing happened to a South African Lady, the issue with her was that she has a son that was half south African and half Tanzanian, a kid that never seen his dad, wonderin why his house was gone and he had to stay in a refugee camp outside joburg? WHATS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
Its scary that these terrorist are doin the same tests to this refugees as the whites where doin to them during apartheid, n what these Zulus don't know, that many famous South African leaders, the same people they look up to now, r either Zims or Mocambiquans or stayed there during apartheid.. maannnnn ignorance.. what happened to the African unity n helpin fellow Africans in needs, that's just a bunch of crap in South .. and now they r apparently threatening Botswana citizens schooling in South . .
Naaaa let me start work, have a nice week eurrbaddeehh . .
Love n Light!