gotta share..

Found this on Facebook.. so funny i gotta share haha.. best bestest..

You know u r in Africa when.. or u know u miss Africa when..

( changed n cut n pasted) fear for you life while riding in Combi....anywhere! call everyone older then you uncle or aunt.'d rather be barefoot
...every toothpaste is colgate.
...every soap is surf. outs are nothing new to you.
...40 degrees is cold.

...four cars are driving parallel to each other on a one-lane road.
...The smell of freshly rained on mud paths/tarmac is comforting.
...being an hour late equals being "on time" can bribe a cop and get away with it!
...You know that the police isn't always the safest place to go when you're in trouble.
...Cramming 7 passengers in a 4 passenger taxi is really not a big deal. invite people for a get together at 7 and they all come at 9. ( funkar osso for chilenare) cram 24 people into a 14 passenger Combi and have never felt closer to your African friends. spent countless hours cleaning your sneakers when u know very well that by the time you get to the taxi stop, they'll be covered in dirt! have another name in Setwana. remember being so confused about how you could pay for something with a visa. know you are from Africa when you have put Vaseline in your hair to be like your African friends..and your Mom has to take it out with OMO and Kerosene! ( true story, not that my moms had to wash it out but my hairdresser put Vaseline in my hair n I cudnt get it out for dayysss)'ve been proposed to while walking down the street know what true hospitality and generosity is...when those who have almost nothing still welcome you in with open arms and are willing to share everything they have with you - even though they barely know you!
...someone asks you how much your sister costs.
...your brother tries to sell you to his college roommate for 36 cows or goats... ( not in Africa but in Chile )

...You call a person you've never met before uncle or aunt

...None of your friends informs you that they are coming over for a visit.

...something that would normally take half an hour in the Western world takes a few days or weeks...and if it didn't it just wouldn't be fun. find it completely natural to have burglar-bars outside your windows know the DSTV channels by heart ( 322 my favorite) can smell the rain before it comes can look up at the sky and see every star clearly
...the sunset is something to look forward to spray 'Doom' in your room before going to bed ( UB love) think of giving up trying to convince people of what it´s really like - even though they really do try, they often just don´t understand.
...having mud-orange feet is normal.
...instead of being greeted with "good morning", you're greeted with "Are you here / awake?"
...the rain back "home" feels cold. learn quickly that pedestrians DO NOT have the right-of-way



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