Gab + Noel

Yes I have a crush on sumbody :) Wish he would b more real than jst on a screen . . If u have seen Kidulthood or the new one Adulthood u wud knw what im talkin bout. . Mr Noel Clarke directs n stars both movies . . He plays the main character Sam! Pic is cumin up . . Lookn beyond my teenage crush n eyecandi huntin these are two kick ass movies people . . U gotta do with the BRIIIHHISH accent tho haha . . Hot hot hot hot

Saturday chillin . .

Jst woke up . . Its 12ish, not cuz i had to many drinks ystrdy. . I had a couple Hunters Dry at ma friends SB n Tebzas place . . Came home early, at home dear Candi n Samba chillin n sipppin on sum whisky . . Ended up stayin with the guys until 3ish! Passd out, woke up n nw im havin breakfast n talkn politics . . Waitin 4 Dollar Mac nw, then braai n drinks then out clubbin at Fashion Lounge tnite! Bt eish relaxin nw! Over n out!

Give me!


20 FEB . . . Gotta see it! Got i Fong Kong bt think im gonna wait unti the big day . .

Yes I am . .

On repeat!


Have ah piece of body wey every good gyal deserve
But ah wont allow this girl to mess with my nerves
Blessed figure, not to mention the curves
Through the corner of her eyes she slowly observe

John Legend
Anytime she come around
Something is about to go down
Listen to the siren sound
Wake up wake up right now,
'Cuz if I was to go to sleep
Catch me dreaming of a way to creep
Trouble always seems to follow me,
Oh don't follow me now,

Over and over and over again
I try to tell her no no no
I already have a friend
Over and over she' reeling me in
She says nobody has to know
But I got to let her go

So I had to walk on bye
(She can't be my lover)
She's flashing me them pretty brown eyes
(She can't be my lover)
Though there's green grass on the other side
(She can't be my lover)
All I can say is Hi
She can't be my lover
Listen listen right now

anddd soooo oonn!

cant stop listenin to this track! Btw, I can be Johns lover anyday haha :)


Big up K-bos !! officially a Bos babe . .   : )

New Album out soon!

Bio o dylikt . .

Yes nu har d blivit mycket filmtittande eftersom det har regnat i en vecka non-stop . . O eftersom dessa monsun liknande regn orsakar översvämmningar överallt får man stanna hemma o chilla. Utan tv o telefon eftersom regnet pajjar d me! MOVIES O MER MOVIES . . Har hunnit checka en hel del shyssta filmer . . Seven pounds med Will Smith, gripande o sjukt bra skådespeleri av the fresh prince. Blindness me Danny Glover, Gael garcia bernal, julianne more . . Snyggt filmat, sjukt råa scener , bra handling . . Twilight . . Ja d fick tiden att gå iallafall haha . . Inte övertygad faktiskt. Valkyrie . . Tom cruise med ögon lapp som spelar en av nazi tysklands hjältar. Ok film, väldigt hollywood men bra. Jag vill fortfarande se: slumdog millionair o notorious . . . Kanske imorrn! Till FRA folkets olycka köper jag filmerna Fong Kong . . Nerladdade o brända. Som o spela russian roulette, kan vara super bra kvalitet eller brända i kina me kinesisk dubbing . . Well jag får va jag payar för i guess . . Sovdags! Love love

Sunday kinda love . .

Etta James - Sunday Kinda Love ... Min söndagslåt nu o alltid! Oh idag har varit en riktig riktig söndag o har gjort d som ska göras på söndagar. Chilla! Vaknade runt 11ish av regnet mot fönstret o skallebank från gårdagens äventyr. Checkade Blindness o satte i mig 2 alvedon, sen titta vi på The Holiday o käka mango. Beslöt oss för att ta tag i våra liv o städa huset. Gick ut o satte oss på altanen i två minuter o titta på regnet o kom på att städning inte e så kul. Så vi beställde pizza o titta på american gangster. Jag tröttna o gick bubbelbada istället o Candi somna i soffan. Nu ska jag powernapa o sen på bio me en kompis, kanske mer alvedon? Segt väder o seg dag bästa combon . . Jag såg precis en mega ödla förresten, me blått hue. . Ishh . . Powernap dags! LOVE


Ijoo . . Ystrdys nice time its makin itself noticed tday! I think we drove around every corner of Gabs last night! Bt had a nice tym, gt to see many of ma peeps gt to drink ma hunters dry n waya waya :) jst woke up, n ma roomie is watchn Blindness n i had to watch it again of course! Eish i jst went to the store in the rain (ys its still rainin) in my flip flops . . More mud in the house dan outside jst nw . . Ehm what else, goin to da movies tnite, hopefully to see Valkyre! First meetin with Kast, hitin the studio to meet my big bro Grampz . . Jst wanna chill ! Im nt sayin anythn interestn let me go! Love n light!!

Hater week . .

I guess i have to keep up my hater approach ths week . . Its been water n waitin! Thats been the to main hater obstacles 4 this week. I already hated on da water (n its still hangin around) bt with risk of soundin like a spoilt swede! Damn i hate Botswana time . . . Tday is the third day people keep me waitin n nt like fashionable 10-15min, HOURS !! Im waitin 4 a friend nw, he told me the earlier we leave 4 Mafikeng the better, in sum way i agreed on 9! N gaby pls dnt b late . . Naa its cool, ill b up . . N ive been up! N no sign of him . . Ah! Ystrdy my hairdresser kept me waitin 4 a good hour outside the place . . What the fonk! Hatin ova n out!

How much water?

Ok, i know i should appreciate the rain! Evrythn in Botswana (desert country) involves rain . . The currency Pula (regn) n the former president always finishd hs speeches by sayin . . Pula pula pula! (låt d regna) but EISH how grateful should i be, its been rainin non stop for 3 days . . N its not Sweden rain its heavy duty rain. Flods , no electricity . . Nuthn! I hv my phone n a book. . Bt i dnt hv any credit on ma phone. Can jst use the internet at times. Well if i cud i would call a cab to cum get me or atleast go buy breakfast. . . Bt nw im stuck u see! Haha well what can i do . .

The days . .

Todays; Anthem: Hey Baby - Stephen Marley feat Mos Def Hustle: Gettin the flue n headache out of ma system Food: Zim Mangos n Lovely Swedish alvedon Question: More management?! Dont want: Rain n chilly weather Occupation: Couch chillin n movie watchn Outfit: Flipflops n hoodie Movie: Blindness ( gael garcia bernal :) ) Movie 2: Milk Soapies: Rythm city, Scandal, Generations, u name it . . Music: Esperanza Spalding Mood: Lovey Dovey Health: pain pain (no cholera btw) Must have: Fanta Pine n power naps Tuesday . . Eish

Back in 05 . .

Hey! Försöker updatera bloggen men går segt på mobilen . . Bots-Swe connection är lite segt! Well skrev ett långt inlägg om min helg i Zim! Kommer antagligen upp imorrn . . Satt precis o gick igenom gamla inlägg på bloggen jag e inne på mitt fjärde blogg år. . . Har varit kass på att uppdatera me jämna mellanrum men damn va inlägg d har blivit . . Brukar checka andras bloggar på o brukar funta på hur alla dessa småbrudar me modebloggar har tid o blogga 10 inlägg om dan . . Men mest på hur ointressanta innehåll o inlägg dessa brudar postar. Dagens outfit, viktdebatt, frågestunder. O dessa brudar har hundra tusentals läsare per dag. All respekt men så intressant e d ändå inte. En av brudarna fick till o me va me i lets dance. Well ungdomskulturen är kanske ett passerat kapitel haha. . Det jag ville komma till är, 4 års bloggande har funkat som avlastning för hjärnan, jag skriver av mig o får sagt d jag ville säga . . Men shit va personligt d blev back in the days, kanske inte är så stor skillnad mellan mig då o dagens bloggbrudar . . Jag känner inte igen folk o händelser jag har skrivit om . . Hände mycke under Uni tiden, jobb, vänner, skola, familj o fritid . . Va nog skönt me lite avlastning o offentlig dagboksskriveri haha . . Tror jag antagligen har vuxit ur de eller så e jag inte lika stressad längre . . Hmm . . Kul o läsa gamla inlägg iallafall :) nee sovdags snart, först lite tidsfördrivande sydafrikanska soapies . . Love

This weekend!

Blog check 1 2

Jst checkn if ths works . . Im tryin to blog frm my phone! Gt this mini opera free internet thingy . . I feel all Obamad out rite now, in bed tryin to think n review this day n all i cn think off is OBAMA ! Tday is the day, the day the us inagurated there 44th president . . First president that accordin to me n all the haters around actually has a point . . Frm an early mornin Btv hs been showin live frm Washington n like the unemployd nerd i am i sat down n checkd it out . . Uptil nw! Its 00.38 . . Went to the studio a quicky bt othrwise ths hs been obamas day! As sceptical i am to Us politics i still give a big big up to the guy . . His rhetorical skills r crazy n he cud even gt thru to me . . The Hi Hater :) whilst obama n hes crew had their nyc lunch me n my housemate Candi had tasty left ovas . . Its gonna b my turn one good day! Well, does ths cellphone blog story work out, ill promise to get betta at this updatin business . . Gnite gnite. . Love n light . .

Well out with the new and in with the old ..

Take me down south.. Tryin to fly down to Bots this week, hopefully ill get a ticket
around friday, so ill be in Bots by Saturday :)

Well, i dont know.. I BETTA GET THAT JOB! or ill have to come back dis side..
n ijoo with this weather, 20 negative.. take me to Bechuanaland !

takkeee meee bacckkk!

Feliz Año Nuevo, Gott Nytt år . .

Happy New Year! May yr 09 be as wild wicked as u want it to b !!

Me im startin my year with loved ones in Sweden n headin 4 Africa :)


album of the year ?!

Album of the Year ?? According to several big hip hop mags n bloggers
this is the top album of the year . . Mr Carter sold 1,005,545 albums on
just the first week of the release. Big up for dat, bt im still nt convinced . .
album of the year, of all the goodie goodie stuff release 2008??!!

My top 5 of 2008:

1. Raphael Sadiq - The Way I see it
2. The Roots - Rising Down
3. Lil Wayne - The Carter 3
4.Chords - Things we do for things
5. Q-tip - The Renaissance

Didnt make it bt still hot: The Game, Lazee, Adam Tensta, Afasi & Filthy, Bun B, Nas,

I look forward to hear, (sum releasd sum in the making).

Black Thought - Masterpiece Theater
J-Live - Then What Happened
Mos Def - The Ecstatic
Redman - Muddy Waters 2
Royce Da 5'9'' - Street Hop
Talib Kweli - Prisoner Of Conscious

Thats that . . .

over the top ?!

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